Who is God calling us to be now?
What is God calling us to do now?
Over the coming months, you will hear me ask these questions with regularity. I hope that you will ask them, too. They are not meant to be rhetorical. When I ask them, and when you ask them, I hope that you and others take the time to sit with them and to answer them. I hope that you will take the time to share your answers with me and with one another.
These questions guide a process of spiritual discernment designed by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship called Dawnings. The process is a story based approach which holds these questions throughout. Over the course of the next few months, we will have times to gather and to share with one another how we hear, feel, see, think, sense, discern the answers to these questions. But please don’t feel like you can only consider these questions at appointed times.
Any time you walk through the doors of the church, whenever you drive by, when you see a post on social media, as you receive emails from the church, or talk with fellow congregation members, pause for just a moment and think on these questions. Often, it is only when we take the time to ask questions, that we find answers.
As this new year dawns, and as we look to the future of our congregation, let’s hold these questions together, anticipating that God is calling us and that we have the capacity to respond.